
Saturday, 25 January 2014

Annesley & Bentinck Brickworks, Kirkby in Ashfield


Bentinck Colliery was on Park Lane, Kirkby in Ashfield & was owned by the New Hucknall Colliery Company based in Hucknall Huthwaite (Sutton in Ashfield). It was opened in 1895, with the first coal production in 1896. The brickworks is first recorded in Kelly's 1900 edition as the Bentinck Colliery & Brick & Coke Works, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottingham with Simeon Watson as Manager. Then in the 1904 edition there are two entries for this works, one same as the 1900 edition then this entry for the New Hucknall Colliery Co. Simeon Watson Manager, Bentinck Mine, Kirkby in Ashfield, Nottm. This 1901 map shows the location of the Colliery & Brickworks on Park Lane, Kirkby. I then have mining references of brick making at the works in 1933 & 1940. There does not appear to be any Bentinck bricks made with NCB on them, so brick making must have finished by 1947 at the time of Nationalisation.  

© Crown Copyright. Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey 1901.


Photo from the David Kitching Collection.

Photo by John Musty.

Annesley Colliery was sunk in 1860 by the Annesley Colliery Company, with first coal production in 1865. In 1925 the pit was sold to the New Hucknall Colliery Company & thus began its long association with Bentinck pit. I have mining records for brick production in 1933 & 1940. With Nationalisation in 1947, the majority of bricks found have had  NCB stamped on them & were made of clay shale. Martin Hammond records the Annesley brickworks which had a 20 chamber modified Hoffmann kiln closed in 1969.  Under the NCB the two pits were joined together, with Annesley & its famous A on its winding stocks moving the men & supplies to the coal face, the coal was brought to the surface & washed at Bentinck. Both pits closed around 2000. 

I have found in a British Brick Society article dated January 1975 that the Annesley brickworks is listed in an undated list of brickworks owned by NCB. I then have been sent an image of a Midland Brick Co. pamphlet dated August 1968 by Mike Chapman which lists Annesley brickworks as being owned by the company. Now the Midland Brick Co. was set up by NCB in 1967 as a wholly owned subsidiary to prepare twelve National Coal Board brickworks for future sale. This sale took place in 1973 when Butterley Brick purchased the Midland Brick Co. So with Annesley brickworks closing in 1969 this works did not pass over to Butterley in this Midland Brick Co. purchase.

Nottingham Journal - Friday 27 March 1936 Image © Reach PLC. 
Image created courtesy of THE BRITISH LIBRARY BOARD.


  1. hi I just found one of the bentinck bricks on my garden I think its come from my kitchen when I had an rsj put it was nice to read where they came from


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